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Kenny Bean -video installations

The Helix submersions were carried out as part of the new Helix Park opening events by UZ Arts. I worked with people from the Falkirk area filming them from underwater. The initial idea was to represent the water boundaries of the site by projecting walls of water on several screens across the park at night. Once I started working with the community I decided to blend the walls of water with people's experiences of being suspended in water.

The Fate of Water was a journey following the River Eden that flowed through the town of Cupar to its fate dispersed in the salt water of the North Sea. The river imagery was projected together with immersions of local people onto St John's Church in Cupar next to the Baptist Church as part of the Arts Festival. I was studying the remnants of our ancient evolutionary links with the sea and whether we retain a memory of water in some way.

A two-sided caravan projection called "RAIN" at the HOME event run by UZ Arts at the Helix Park in Falkirk for the opening of the Kelpies. Videos of local people underwater and in mid-air mixed with film of rain water. The music was recorded while watching rain out of the studio window.

Immersion was an artist residency with Perth Council based on a study of the River Tay. Located in St.Johns campus I set about building a water tank to allow people to immerse themselves in water. I made an underwater video study of the River Tay looking at the textures and patterns of water flow from underneath.


All workshops and events are run by an experienced artist and science communicator. Light Lab works annually with several Scottish science festivals along with arts centres and local authorities.

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